
And Now, a Wild New Video From Slothrust: "Double Down"

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines7/21/2018 7:04:01 pm PDT

Certain conspira-liars are no doubt puzzled and disappointed that the Russian government still officially accepts the reality of the Apollo Moon landings. What their trolls and agents are saying is another matter altogether but the official line, at least for now, is that the landings happened as claimed and documented. One far right Russian legislator did suggest that it was time for an investigation to “ask questions.” He was immediately shouted down by colleagues who are familiar with the subject.
A very knowledgeable poster on a restricted board I visit insists that Putin won’t go there because it would be the end of Russia’s own space program if he did. In particular, Russian space scientists have let it be known that they will resign, defect or effectively go on strike if any such lie becomes policy. This is not because they particularly love NASA, but because the hoax claim massively impugns the integrity and competence of the Russian program itself.