
Colbert From Home: Trump Insists We've "Prevailed" as Dr. Fauci Refuses to Sugarcoat His Coronavirus Outlook

Targetpractice5/13/2020 11:06:37 am PDT

The Repubs seem to have their talking point: “FOAD!”

“It is time to go back to work,” he said. “Instead of passing some new trillion-dollar spending package that Speaker Pelosi will put on the floor Friday, it seems the best stimulus is to go back to work.”

The reporter then pointed out to Jordan that the economy might be in rough shape for a lengthy period, as many people may choose to stay at home even if things are “reopened.”

“That is why the best phase is to go back to work, which we are seeing states do,” Jordan insisted, and then pivoted to say that reopening the economy was “about freedom and opportunity.”

Even your own base doesn’t believe this shit, Gym.