
Never Too Soon for a Halestorm: "Wicked Ways" [Official Video]

Anymouse 🌹🏑😷7/22/2022 6:20:47 pm PDT

Palm Beach Post (updated July 5, 2022)

MorseLife [nursing home] to pay $1.75 million after giving COVID vaccines to rich donors ahead of patients

WEST PALM BEACH β€” MorseLife, a high-end nursing home, will pay a $1.75 million settlement after being accused of illegally giving some of the nation’s first COVID-19 vaccines to its wealthy donors instead of the vulnerable patients and staff they were meant for, federal investigators said last week.

The bosses of MorseLife Health System, a nonprofit nursing home on David S. Mack Drive just south of the Ballpark of the Palm Beaches, had ordered the inoculation of hundreds of well-connected, well-off benefactors in late December 2020, the U.S. Department of Justice said.
