
Genius! Jazz Standard "Autumn Leaves" Played in the Styles of 10 Classical Composers

austin_blue10/16/2022 8:31:31 pm PDT

re: #28 A Mom Anon

From what I can gather, the Cobb County Police Department has told local news channels that he did not work for them in any capacity. This was on an anti Walker ad that was running here for awhile. He’s claimed to be a cop and an FBI agent so there’s that.

A current ad by Walker says he wrote a book about overcoming mental illness”by grace”, and that means he’s a changed man since his days of being a wife beater and absent father. Except for one thing. His book came out in 2008. His first wife, Cindy Grossman, filed a restraining order against him in 2012 and had to take her son and move 6 times in 6 months to escape his violence. He really thinks everyone is stupid beyond the people who would actually vote for him. Seems like all this saved by grace horseshit is horseshit, who would have guessed?

I lived in Cobb County from 1970 to 1972 when my Da was commander of the Marine Air Reserve Training Detachment at Dobbins AFB. One year at East Cobb JHS and one year at Wheeler High School (Hated Enemy; Sprayberry HS, in Smyrna).