
Dave Weigel Digs Through LGF's Archives Looking for Dirt

Gus4/27/2009 3:20:08 pm PDT

David Weigel

Perhaps his motivation for dirt can be seen in another of his recent articles in which he speak glowingly of Ron Paul:

A voice in the wilderness no more
At CPAC, Ron Paul’s critique of the monetary system and the Republican party is surprisingly more popular than ever

What’s changed in two years? It’s not only that Republicans have lost an election – it’s that Republicans do not yet understand why they lost. They are not willing to consider that they lost votes because Americans wanted more social democratic policies. The official explanation for their loss is that Republicans spent too much money and lost touch with their values. It only makes sense that Paul, who has been arguing for years that the GOP needs to get back to the values of pre-New Deal America, should be winning over young hearts and minds.

He is also the associate editor for Reason magazine and Reason dot com.

He also has his own web site and links to DailyKos at this website as “Markos and friends.”

Muckraker in the making perhaps? Politically he swings in many directions. I say politically because his article are so tinged with ideological tidbits that he doesn’t really qualify to be journalist. He does seem to have fascination for Ron Paul.