
Overnight Open Thread

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion6/24/2009 12:48:35 am PDT

re: #55 Slumbering Behemoth

I dig where Sharmuta is coming from. Looks, wealth, fame, talent, and intellect are kind of meaningless if the person is rotten inside.

I have had a number of very attractive, intelligent, and talented girlfriends (none that were wealthy or famous, though) that turned out to be absolute… well, we’re not allowed to use that word here.

One of my first serious girlfriends was a real airhead, but man was she sweet to me. I should have placed more value on her affections than her lack of intellect, but like a fool I let that one get away. I was young.

Over time, I’ve noticed that a woman’s personality as I see it, affects the way she appears to me. She could be extremely beautiful, but if she is a rotten person inside, I eventually come to see her as ugly. This isn’t metaphorical either. They literally begin to appear ugly. The reverse is true as well. Not-so-attractive or plain women begin to look better if they are really good people on the inside. (This is why I thought the movie Shallow Hal was so hilarious.) I have to know her well enough to know what her real personality is like though. I’m not psychic so this never helped me avoid hooking up with a couple of monsters.