
Video: Michele Bachmann's Prophetic Visions

Mad Prophet Ludwig12/17/2009 12:38:22 pm PST

So umm really guys… How can anyone take the GOP seriously if this is their voice?

On a biblical note, the penalty for being a false prophet - and there is a test for it, is stoning.

The test is really practical too. If the prophet predicts a blessing at a specific time and it does not come to pass, they are false.

If a prophet is not of the highest moral character and can stand to see injustice, they are false.

If a prophet does not care for the weak, the poor, the widow and the orphan, they are false.

Ohh and if the prophet is a habitual liar they are false too :)

I’m not bringing that because of a need to wax religious, but even religion has its sanity checks. Look at this woman. Do you really think that God is telling her to deny science and prostitute herself for the insurance industry? Do you really think that God wants the planet to cook due to AGW and hopes her message of ignorance spreads?

Do you think that God loves all his children or just the rich white ones?

So the very short form of it is - if we are going to go biblical let me make it clear:

1. Being a false prophet is a stonable offence.

2. Robbing those you are sworn to protect and defend is defined by Torah law as evil. (Uphold the rights of the widow and the orphan. So how exactly does she propose to get people (particularly poor people) adequate health care?).

3. Leading those whom you are supposed to protect and defend to a bad fate is defined as evil. (Do not put a stumbling block before the blind. AGW will cause catastrophe. She should know better.)

4. Doing so by perverting the Name is evil. (Do not carry the Lord’s name in vain. The real meaning isn’t don’t cuss, it is do not do something evil and claim you are doing it in the name of God.).

So the more these hypocrites pound their bibles, the more I will point out all of those really hippy things the bible says. The good stuff about being good to each other and that giving is important, and that charity is a mitzvah and that you are expected to be honest and sincere.

Here is a little Isaiah for the lady:

Though you pray at length,
I will not listen.
Your hands are stained with crime —

16 Wash yourselves clean;
Put your evil doings
Away from My sight.
Cease to do evil;

17 Learn to do good.
Devote yourselves to justice;
Aid the wronged.
Uphold the rights of the orphan;
Defend the cause of the widow.

18 “Come, let us reach an understanding,
—declares the Lord—