
Video: Women, Know Your Limits!

Dark_Falcon2/13/2010 6:48:53 pm PST

re: #50 iceweasel

I don’t know if people are aware of this, but there’s a little subset of ‘mommybloggers’ out there who are, uh, superoldfashioned. Apart from using the internet, that is.
Lots of posts wittering away about the proper role of women. There’s some extremely creepy stuff out there. Including a bunch of Christian BDSM blogs. They make the connection between ‘obedience’ to one’s husband and punishment. Like physical punishment. There’s some specific Bible verses they cite about it.

Sometimes the mommyblogger contingent gets into fights over which of them is a better Christian, and then a vicious blogwar ensues in which many unChristian things are said and done.

A few of the feminist blogs have documented some of this, hence my knowledge of it. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of these folks were connected to the Homemakers for America people, or Concerned Women for America. (HfA was at the tea party convention, people might recall).

When people fight over which one is the better Christian, it generally means that none of them is a good Christian. Jesus made it clear how little he thought of public gestures of piety.