
Update: At Least 80 GOP Candidates Would Force Women to Bear Rapists' Babies

researchok10/02/2010 2:12:44 pm PDT

re: #57 Obdicut

It’s one of those really obviously inconsistent areas; pro-life people do not tend to object to fertility clinics, fertility treatments, or any other artificial method of inducing pregnancy (even those that create a ton of embryos that never get used), while simultaneously claiming that every pregnancy is the handiwork of God.

I don’t understand how, even if you do believe in a soul, you believe in a soul that God personally creates at every moment of conception. What about the 31% of pregnancies that miscarry? And if you do believe that there are souls for the embryos, why on earth would abortion somehow doom or damn them— can God really be foiled that easily?


My contention is that unless and until there are funds set aside to help care for these unwanted kids, silence on the matter is best.