
Joe Scarborough to GOP: 'Man Up' and Confront the Idiot Half-Governor

Mad Prophet Ludwig11/30/2010 9:36:07 am PST

re: #53 Charles

If Palin retired tomorrow and never got involved in politics again, the Republican Party would still be just as full of crazies and fanatics and anti-science morons as it is now. It wouldn’t change a thing.

All too true.

At this point in time, morons like Barton, Inhofe, Bachman and the Pauls are vastly more dangerous. Even disgusting fossils like Orin Hatch look reasonable by comparison.

re: #55 Killgore Trout

“First of all, you can’t shut down the government. There are public safety, national security issues, that override a well-intended point, I’m sure, that government is way too big.

Well intended? My circumcised unit! I have reached a tolerance threshold for dissembling and calumny.