
Rand Paul: Israeli Foreign Aid is 'Welfare'

Petero18182/04/2011 6:57:02 pm PST

For a few year already, Israel gets no “economic aid” from the US by virtue of the fact that their economy is on par with many industrialized nations. It does however get 3B in military aid. What does the US get in return? Well, most of that money comes back to the US, through purchase of arms. So if anyone is being subsidized, it is the military industrial complex in the US, and the numerous jobs it provides. Secondly, and no less important, Israel has always been and remains an important strategic ally and a country that shares similar values (rare in the region). While Israel is not without fault, and certainly has its share of disagreements with America I think it is fair to say, that of all the aid money the US has given out across the world, that which it has given to Israel has been the most beneficial to American interests and the American economy.