
Egypt Updates: February 10, 2011

Mad Prophet Ludwig2/10/2011 10:04:49 am PST

re: #32 lawhawk


There are some of us around…

Fair enough… One of the things that gets me is that so many people consider me a lefty. I’m actually, if you look at what I write, pretty much dead in the center - of what used to be the center 20 years ago. On foreign policy, I understand the need to occasionally rattle and even use the saber. Of course on the other hand, I see it as something to be avoided if possible only ever to be used wisely.

On domestic policy, no I don’t think that corporations have unlimited rights to exploit people or the environment, however, I am all for developing new technologies and bringing them to market to solve many problems (specifically every essay I’ve written about what we should do to fight AGW). In fact, my views about oil and coal are very strictly conservative if you take a buggy whip factory sort of view. Those are terrible and destructive technologies. We have better alternatives that can out compete them.

Of course as far as the wedge issue stuff goes, I suppose I come down as classically liberal. I have no time for some bible banger imposing his ass backwards agenda in my school or bedroom. It is none of their business. I certainly have no time for racism or denying women their rights, and no, life does not begin from the moment you unhook her bra.

Anyway, this is a long way of me saying that I feel you Lawhawk a lot more than you might think.