
Overnight Video: The Spinners, 'Mighty Love'

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)7/26/2011 3:37:07 am PDT

Olsonist posted an awesome article in an older thread:

Some key paragraphs:

And this is what I mean by being out of touch, of remaining stuck in old models. The problem is not that Bawer believes that immigration poses serious challenges to Europe. I do. This attack does not remove those challenges. The problem is that a writer who lives in Norway during the worst terrorist attack of our history, an attack carried out by a Muslim hater who is at least somewhat in sync with Bawer’s own views, does not have the common sense, the decency, to shut up about Muslims even for the length of a single article.

Bawer has often written about the challenges of integrating immigrants into Europan society. I wonder how well he himself is integrated in Norwegian society today, or whether he, like the immigrants he criticize, considers it disdainfully, from a distance, enjoying its hospitality but standing aloof, alone.

That last part really got to me. A lot of the right-wingers have inherited that mantle of the radical left; they are so critical of society that they’re basically placing themselves outside it, while reaping its benefits.