
Obama Campaign Ad: One Chance to Make the Right Decision

Killgore Trout4/27/2012 12:03:10 pm PDT

re: #54 Charles Johnson

Exactly what I said. He was reflexively taking an opposite position. And it turns out that he wasn’t just a little wrong — he was WAY wrong. Taking out bin Laden has dealt a real blow to Al Qaeda, as have all the other targeted killings of Al Qaeda leaders. Romney couldn’t have been more off-base.

He was actually fairly gracious to Obama in the interview…

SIDOTI: “Do you fault the administration for not catching him though? I mean, they’ve had quite a few years going after him.”

GOVERNOR ROMNEY: “There are many things that have not been done perfectly in any conduct of war. In the Second World War, we paratroopered in our troops further than they were supposed to be from the beaches. We landed in places on the beaches that weren’t anticipated. Do I fault Eisenhower? No, he won. And I’m nowhere near as consumed with bin Laden as I am concerned about global Jihadist efforts.”