
Glenn Beck's 'The Blaze' Readers Spew Hatred and Racism at Michelle Obama

GunstarGreen7/13/2012 12:24:59 pm PDT

Quoting one of the comments from the Blaze thread, emphasis mine:

Obama is like the Pied Piper and the left are the rodents being taken to their own destruction not realizing the danger this man has put the country in. What will happen when God removes his blessings , I shudder to think.

As has been said before in other threads, but bears repeating: These people cannot be reasoned with. They cannot be subjected to any amount of facts or evidence that will change their minds; they will reject everything that does not comport with their world view. As far as they are concerned they are fighting a holy war, and any amount of compromise means that the US loses its status as God’s Favorite Country, which means armageddon.