
Video: Skeptic vs. Creationist

Lynn B.2/27/2009 2:50:17 pm PST

re: #596 freedom_fighter

Oh Puh-LEEEZE! Georgia Purdom’s obvious overweening pride and arrogance in her beliefs has got to be the most blatant display of hubris I have recently witnessed.

Which “pride” would God have more problems with: Georgia’s “pride” of sticking to her belief that the Bible is the inspired word of God and basing her scientific understanding and beliefs in that framework and holding to her convictions even though 95% of scientists around her would mock her in a heartbeat… OR

The pride of any person who refuses to acknowledge their creator, thinks that because I am “good” - as Mike was alluding to at the end of the video - that this should qualify for any positive afterlife (if it exists), and rejects the substitutionary work of Christ on the cross for the sins of the world.

If you think Georgia’s “pride” is greater, then we’ll have to agree to disagree.

Your disagreement is noted.

It is not “pride” to believe that because one lives a good and decent life one should qualify for any positive afterlife (if it exists). Actually, I think the word for that belief is “faith.” Just because that faith is not the same as yours certainly doesn’t make it “pride.” But thanks for helping to illustrate the arrogance that clouds the hearts of those who see the world this way.