
Boehner to GOP: 'Behave Like Grown-Ups'

Diane3/22/2010 2:59:50 pm PDT

My 13 years old son went to a Florida hospital last week with quite a grave condition, he waited 1/2 hour at the emergency before he was treated by a very nice doctor. They sent him back in Canada presto with a not to the airline and an immunosuppressive drug to slow down his mysterious autoimmune disease. Back in Ottawa, he waited 5 hours at the emergency ward before a doctor saw him.

Two years ago, he showed up at the emergency room here in Canada, with a much graver condition. It took 12 hours before he received any treatment, by then he was disfigured…

I am very grateful that in the Canadian system, no one has to pay but I just hope that the accessibility of top medical treatments in the US will not reach the low points of the Canadian system. Many of us go to the States to be treated faster. We pay an awful lot of taxes and yet, the services seem to just disintegrate.

In any case, Bless America! I love your country as much as mine.