
Rand Paul: Israeli Foreign Aid is 'Welfare'

lostlakehiker2/04/2011 9:43:22 pm PST

re: #542 marjoriemoon

I was thinking about this today. What’s going to happen to the Egypt/Gaza border after all this plays out? The Philadelphi corridor.

Anybody’s guess. If the MB wins in Egypt, then the corridor will be opened and Gaza will be in a position to launch more rocket artillery at Israel. That will provoke a fight, if Egypt stands aside from Gaza’s spanking, or a war, if Egypt tries its military luck.

If cooler heads prevail in Egypt, the corridor will be opened part way, but not wide open with industrial quantities of munitions heading for the “front”. This Egyptian revolution isn’t going to end in a glorious happily ever after. It’ll be at best a mixed bag. But that’s par for the course. Mubarak’s time has passed and we can only tinker at the edges of what comes next.