
The Suspected White House Shooter's Right Wing Ideas

Talking Point Detective11/18/2011 8:44:24 am PST

re: #569 Sergey Romanov

Sorry, that’s a straw man (as if I were arguing against compassion for enemies). However in this modern world such a thing (a moment of solidarity(!) and silence) means a message of either support or at least tolerance of action, whether one wants it or not. (Obvious exceptions, like praying for one’s personal enemy, excluded.)

I think that we can agree that the clip tells us nothing, really, about what that guy was thinking, or certainly what anyone else in the group was thinking.

But I would disagree, theoretically, with the argument that a moment of silence for someone means support or tolerance of their action. I’m not big into moments of silence (being agnostic), but that’s not how I interpret them. A moment of silence = a moment for contemplation about any and/or all contextual aspects related to an event.

Expressing solidarity has a different connotation for me - but:

(1) It really isn’t clear what that dude meant by solidarity, or who he was expressing solidarity with (I think you’ll agree), and:

(2) Relatedly, you really need more context, in any situation, to understand what someone means when they express solidarity.

Asking the question is fine. Making assumptions as to the answer, I think (i.e., that it means support or tolerance for a given action) still requires more information.