
Video: Skeptic vs. Creationist

freedom_fighter2/27/2009 2:54:15 pm PST

re: #595 Salamantis

Basically, you’re arguing that if God permits or demands it, it must, by DEFINITION, be righteous, however evil it might appear to us to be.

That is correct.

How is this any different than what the jihadis assert about Allah and the call to jihad against unbelievers?

It is miles apart. One must understand the nature of the OT (Old Testament). When God ordered Joshua to destroy Jericho is was an order for one man at one exact time and place in history - not a general “kill all those unbelievers” from now until the end of the world. You must remember that the Jews in OT time were often enduring much hardship and in order to protect his people God had to do things that you and I in a “civilized society” would think are quite cold. And of course after Christ revealed himself there is no longer a need for these types of orders from God. The new testament has no calls for killing all those “unbelievers” which is why you don’t see Christian jihadis killing in the name of Christ. Wouldn’t make any sense. And if someone were to do it (and I’m sure someone will) he is not following in the teachings of Christ, whereas the jihadi is actually following the Koran and the words of Mohammed when he does kill in the name of allah. That is the difference.