
Video: Rachel Maddow and Rand Paul, Part 2

garhighway5/21/2010 6:53:56 am PDT

re: #566 Obdicut

Okay. I’m unsure why you’re telling me this, since obviously I’m only talking about Rogue, not people who lean right-wing. I made no statements about the right-wing in general.

I also think everyone would prefer government be more efficient and less bloated. That’s not a hard sell.

The question is what qualifies as ‘bloat’, and how much to prioritize efficiency over results.

Being against “bloat” is not a terribly bold stand.

In fact, I’d like to see a post in which someone stands steadfastly in FAVOR of “bloat”.

Often, when you get down to the true substance of the issue, what the “anti-bloater” is against is something more substantive, and their characterization of that particular thing as “bloat” is simply a mis-characterization masking a conclusion.

For example, some people consider the EPA to be an example of “bloat”. Usually, when they say that, they are not advocating that the EPA run more efficiently. They want it to cease to exist.

That’s not “bloat”.