
Video: Landscapes, Volume Two

Vicious Babushka10/12/2011 8:06:50 am PDT

re: #577 lawhawk

News of note:

Underwear bomber Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab enters guilty plea on 8 counts of terrorism related to his attempt to blow up a plane on Christmas day using explosives sewn into his underwear.

More details emerge on the Hamas-Israel swap to secure the release of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit. None of the details bode well for Israel’s long term security. Not only does the initial batch of Palestinian terrorists release have the blood of 599 Israelis on their hands, but the Hamas bigwigs continue their refusal to accept Israel’s existence and use this deal as proof that they’re in it to win it (Israel’s elimination). Israel apparently signed off on the deal because key members of Israel’s defense/intel establishment have changed and now believe that the deal wont change Israel’s security posture - adding another 200 terrorists to the 20,000 strong Hamas brigades wont change matters; the terrorists aren’t going to end up in the West Bank apparently.

I still have a bad feeling about this.

I can’t breathe easy until I know that Gilad is still alive.

It was also very disgusting reading the comments at Huffpost and Haaretz.