
Pope Admits Mistakes with Holocaust Denying 'Bishop'

LGoPs3/12/2009 1:56:33 pm PDT

re: #529 Kenneth

It goes back to the Black–Scholes model. These were the 2 PhD economists who figured it all out. Won the Nobel Prize for economics too.

I hear you and admittedly, I’m out of school on this but I become immediately skeptical of complex schemes like this. If a reasonably educated man can’t understand it, then I smell danger and opportunities rife for manipulation, gimmicks and schemes that can’t be detected. It becomes the realm of sophisticated con men and even if my analysis is wrong, we are living and paying for the end result.
And the common sense I picked up, being a Summa cum Laud graduate of the 2nd grade, which taught me that there ain’t no free lunch should’ve warned off all these smart people that these magical housing prices can’t just go on rising astronomically forever.
Damn them.