
Hannity's Scaremonger of the Day

unproven innocence2/16/2009 11:12:29 pm PST

re: #131 Charles

Hagman is the guy behind the Northeast Intelligence Network, the premier scaremongering site on the web, batting absolute zero in the credibility department.

re: #142 Charles

This story was heavily promoted by Gates of Vienna, and it marks the time when I began to realize something wasn’t right about them.

Charles, please pardon the links, but I came across an article by Hagman
Binghamton, NY: Eyes Wide Shut in which he mentioned:
“Furthermore, I have been the subject of a delusional diatribe by Gilani himself, who bills himself as the “sixth Sultan ul-Fuqra,” and a direct descendant of Muhammad.”

That link points to an article at the International Quranic Open University and Muslims of the Americas Inc. website:
Exposing Roots of Terrorism In U.S.

On the 12th of February, a so-called ‘interim investigative report’ by an unknown private individual who called himself ‘CP’ investigator and Douglas J. Hagmann , with the internet address,, was released. This highly questionable report about Muslims of the Americas (MOA), their town Islamberg, NY, the International Quranic Open University (IQOU), and the Vice Chancellor of IQOU, is a small part of a campaign of hate, fabricated falsehood, lies, and appalling propaganda aimed at bringing about a clash between Muslims and Christians the world over, and particularly in the United States (U.S.) As the Imam of the Muslims of the Americas and Vice Chancellor of IQOU, I take this opportunity to expose this recurring scheme of deception and falsehood conjured up by vested interests.
The compilers of this report, CP/Hagmann, assert the claim of the existence of an alleged “Jamaat-ul-Fuqra”, placing me as its head. For the past 25 years I, and the members of MOA, and the staff of IQOU at Islamberg, have adamantly denied knowledge of any such organization in the U.S., Pakistan, or elsewhere.
In order to uphold and sustain one lie, one has to use hundreds of arguments. In this regard I am going to prove that Douglas J. Hagman and his group are the actual perpetrators of international terrorism, and racial and religious bigotry and their ceaseless campaign of hate, is more damaging to the U.S. than any other country. The U.S. has become a pawn of hidden hands that use America’s wealth and the innocent blood of their sons and daughters to wage their wars against Muslims.

(Emphasis added.) This article attacks Douglas Hagman’s credibility also.

So I respectfully ask, are you quite sure you are right in this matter?