
Overnight Open Thread

Flyers19746/01/2009 7:22:33 am PDT

re: #550 jcm

Can you say China Syndrome? Seriously.

I’ve talked to watermelon who say the risk of melt down is to great.

Okay, the new generation of reactors CAN NOT MELT DOWN.

The design of the water modulated reactors was such they default to a critical state and the reaction would runaway and melt down.

The new reactors are held in a critical state, when things go wrong they default to non-critical, it’s the physics of the design.

I’ve seen watermelon mentioned here before, I can’t remember what it means. As for the rest of yours, you are preaching to the choir - I have ZERO problem with nuclear power. Unless I’m missing something, it seems to be a solution to many problems. I refer to the the average Democrat who is against it based on unfounded fear.