
Overnight Open Thread

96RoadKing8/14/2009 6:48:24 am PDT

re: #566 Walter L. Newton

We are dealing with facts. Please, look up socialism, fascism and totalitarianism. While they all share some aspects of collective politics, they are not the same, and there is no example in history of socialism leading to totalitarianism.

That was the original point made up thread, and no one has been able to give me an example.
I was only pointing out the connection of Fascism to totalitarianism. Plenty of examples there. Fascism, Bolshivism, Communism: all totalitarian regimes. Socialism (IMO) is a form of ‘Communist Lite’. There are certain governmental checks and balances designed to prevent too much abuse by the apartchiks. Still not my cup of tea. I prefer the free market, and allowing society more freedom of choice.
Show me a country that went from socialism to totalitarianism?