
The Michael Brown Shooting Incident Report Is Ridiculous

rhuarc8/22/2014 4:45:06 pm PDT

So with the release of the video of the racist and homophobic STL County PD officer at the Oathkeepers event will people start to realize that the Oathkeepers aren’t what they claim to be? I mean, here we have someone who apparently has sworn an oath to this group to disobey orders that are unconstitutional and what do we see him doing in Ferguson? Or should I even wonder if those orders were OK because they were directed at blah people?

Also, another thought I had. Since Officer Wilson took the 5th will the same conservatives who automatically believe Lois Lerner is guilty because she took the 5th now automatically believe Wilson is guilty where they thought him innocent before? Or will hypocrisy reign supreme over the conservative world?