
Video: Political Sheep from Hell

Rightwingconspirator2/04/2010 3:32:10 pm PST
Fiorina Fired At Least 18,000 HP Employees

Millionaire Fiorina Called the Outsourcing of American Jobs “Right Shoring.” The San Francisco Chronicle reported, “Labor unions have battled ‘offshoring,’ which Fiorina calls ‘right-shoring,’ for decades, he said.” [San Francisco Chronicle, 1/9/04]

Fiorina Defended The Outsourcing Of American Jobs. Investors Business Daily reported, “During their presentation, Barrett and Fiorina had to defend the tech industry for its growing reliance on overseas tech workers. IBM, Intel, Hewlett-Packard and others have moved many jobs offshore, including customer service call center operators and even engineers.” [Investors Business Daily, 1/8/04]