
New Obama Campaign Ad: Go to the Emergency Room

kirkspencer9/25/2012 10:31:17 am PDT

re: #586 Kragar

Texas Lawmaker To Muslim American: ‘If You Want To Be An American Act Like One’

I moved into her district about five months ago. Being a research nut I already looked into her. This isn’t atypical of her. For further example:

Where did this idea come from that everybody deserves free education, free medical care, free whatever? It comes from Moscow, from Russia. It comes straight out of the pit of hell. And it’s cleverly disguised as having a tender heart. It’s not a tender heart. It’s ripping the heart out of this country.


The fact is it is documented. Over 81 percent of the babies that are born at LBJ Hospital right here in Houston are born of women who are not here legally. It is well-known that women come over here, cross the border in order to have the babies here because once they get here and once that little American citizen is born and becomes an anchor baby — look, I’m a grandmother of 10, I love children, but the fact is this is breaking the back of the taxpayers of Texas and the United States.