
Vladimir Putin Lectures the US on Morality in the New York Times, Greenwald Co-Signs

Viscous Obama9/12/2013 11:12:48 am PDT

Pope Francis assures atheists: You don’t have to believe in God to go to heaven

Responding to a list of questions published in the paper by Mr Scalfari, who is not a Roman Catholic, Francis wrote: “You ask me if the God of the Christians forgives those who don’t believe and who don’t seek the faith. I start by saying - and this is the fundamental thing - that God’s mercy has no limits if you go to him with a sincere and contrite heart. The issue for those who do not believe in God is to obey their conscience.

Well, this Pope is certainly interesting. I hope, at least, he can do something about the ultra-conservatism that flourished under Benedict.