
Overnight Open Thread

eon3/23/2009 5:39:10 am PDT

re: #571 aboo-Hoo-Hoo

Events & actions should remind you of the Bolshevik Revolution, it’s the same doctrine changed & evolved for an American society.

The difference being that a true “popular” revolution always starts from the bottom and goes up, not at the top and going down. The American and French Revolutions being a case in point.

The American Revolution was led by basically middle-class intellectuals with the support of the majority of the populace. The French Revolution was initially led by similar middle-class elements, who were then quickly usurped by non-middle class “intellectuals”, who saw, and seized, an opportunity to put their ideas of a Utopian “ideal state” into practice. The result was the Terror, followed by Napoleon’.

Obama and Co. are less like Washington and Jefferson than they are like Robespierre’ and Marat’. They have never been “leaders”- their only experience has been as rabble-rousers. And when such “Utopians” get their hands on the reins of power, they have an irritating tendency to think that the lessons of history do not apply to them.

/just thinking out loud

