
Breaking: House Passes Health Care Bill

karmic_inquisitor11/07/2009 10:10:42 pm PST

re: #585 recusancy

So you’re saying healthcare is a luxury that some people just need to learn to live (or die) without?

Yes. Like water. A luxury. That is what I said. And I said people should die without it. i said that too.


Did you even bother to read what i wrote?

Again - how many articles can you dig up of a person in California dying because he/she was refused care for not having money? Which hospital refused to admit a patient for not having money. Which ambulance was turned away?

Where are these stories? Hist - they don’t exist. Because the current system provides the uninsured and indigent vital care. So the construct “that some people just need to learn to live (or die) without” is utterly absurd and does not apply to the current system.