

SixDegrees2/11/2010 9:19:23 am PST

re: #564 Charles

I’m wondering how many times you think you need to post that link?

Yes, Trenberth says the IPCC needs to improve their work on social impacts of climate change. So what? This is obviously true, and no one has ever denied that. I don’t know why you’re trumpeting this minor news as if it was some giant revelation.

The point I’m going to continue to make is that NONE of the so-called “scandals” — which, by the way, are being trumped up by people with denialist agendas — even come close to refuting or disproving the vast amount of evidence that is not in question.

As far as I know, Walter has never made any claim that the various foibles of the IPCC or the CRU constitute any sort of evidence disproving AGW.

But both organizations need to overhaul their processes. Which appear to suck on a number of levels. And that suckiness aids critics by providing them with bushels of low-hanging fruit.

It would be a lot easier if the IPCC and CRU weren’t running a fruit stand to begin with.