
Video: Rachel Maddow and Rand Paul, Part 2

jamesfirecat5/21/2010 6:59:22 am PDT

re: #604 sattv4u2

Maddow was after information about the nature of a man who wants to make up a full 1% of the upper most house of legislation in our nation. (It may not sound like much but these day one vote can mean a lot)

Is she equally concerned and dogged about the nature of a man who is a self described socialist that NOW makes up 1% of the upper most house of legislation in our nation?

The problem is that if you look at America at the moment, are socialists a problem that we really have to worry about? We have Cuba in a box, China is one of our biggest trading partners, does it look like we’re about to become a socialist nation in any way shape or form?

Would you be willing to give me that racism is a bigger issue for Americans to worry about at the moment then socialism?