
Fundamentalist Indoctrination: Mandatory in the US Army?

Nemesis68/21/2010 11:41:59 am PDT

re: #607 swamprat

My point was: Bush made a big, big deal out of talking about God and God’s role in the war(s). Excluding the fake quote I fell for, he’s said some pretty messed up things, like “I believe God wants everyone to be free, that’s what I believe and that’s part of my foreign policy”. It’s no secret that Bush was loved by the religious right, and with good reason - He was on the same page as them on issues like homosexuals are bad, gay marriage being bad, abortion being bad, religion being in science class, and global warming not being real(he flip-flopped on this one).

So whether he was a puppet of them, or a fundamentalist himself, he’s a perfect example of what’s wrong with the religious right.

And that’s just Bush in particular. RadicalModerate mentioned the Family Research Council, which is a great example. Read up on them on Wikipedia, and remember to check the Sister Organizations category, because they’re not the only ones out there doing lobbying for the religious right.