
Police Investigate Rep. Weiner's Contact with 17-Year Old Girl

WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]6/11/2011 8:37:42 am PDT

re: #600 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

In fairness? Judge Nap hated George Bush the Younger.

I listened to him on the Radio waves while Bush was still in office.

Ain’t Obama he hates, it’s the US Govt.

he doesn’t hate it, he’s paid to pretend he hates it

much like the hulkster was paid to pretend he hated King Kong Bundy

nobody as fat and well paid as that guy hates the thing that allows him his cameras, his makeup assistants, his gel lights, his 3..2..1..action, his big big bank account and his daily ham grinder with extra cheese pushed past his wet lips

the unabomber hated the US Government, Judge Nap is a tiny dancer, another Ann Coulter, a pied piper to hypnotize the gullible, money in the bank