
2012 Democratic National Convention: Day One, Thread Three, Michelle Obama Edition

Big Steve9/05/2012 8:58:54 am PDT

re: #601 Obdicut

I’d say you get accused of agreeing with the crackpot GOP mainstream. Have you read the GOP party planks, and do you see how extreme they are? Language about a return to the gold standard, criminalzation of all abortion, destruction of environmental safety laws, etc. etc.?

I am really confused why it’s unfair to criticize people supporting the GOP nominee for president for supporting the positions the GOP.

Did you hear Rahm Emanuel get interviewed after his speech last night. Someone asked him about the Jerusalem thing in the platform and he said something to the effect “in all my years in politics, I have never once read the party platform.” I vote for the person, not the party. I doubt any President ever looks at their party platform once in office.