
Video: Skeptic vs. Creationist

freedom_fighter2/27/2009 3:11:45 pm PST

re: #605 Lynn B.

Of course the old crusades argument, which has unfortunately been an excuse for many of the masses to disregard Christianity with a hand-wave instead of gaining a deeper understanding. Like I said in my original post, when people do evil in the name of Christ (and they will - just not so much in the last few centuries) they are not following the founder of their religion, whereas the Islamist is following the teachings of Muhammed and the Koran when he “fights jihad” for allah.

If that makes no difference to you then you are being as “intellectually dishonest” as you claim Georgia is being in her scientific findings.

But we already know why men often fall short of the teachings of Christ and use the Bible for their evil gains - it is called sin. We are all sinners and none of us can live up to Christ’s standards, that is the whole point.