
One Woman Sarcastically Says "Hail Satan," Entire Right Wing Goes Into Crazy Freak-Out Mode

GunstarGreen7/03/2013 10:48:58 am PDT

re: #3 A Mom Anon

OFFS. How the hell can sanity win over this level of off the edge insane?

It can’t. As I’ve said on numerous other occasions, these people cannot be reasoned with. They are fully, absolutely convinced that they are engaged in a literal holy war for the soul of the nation. They are completely prepared to believe that their political opponents are not just people with differing political ideas, but actual agents of the dark lord of the underworld. There can be no compromise, you are either with God (them), or the Devil (those that don’t agree with them).

This is what happens when you tolerate fairy-tales-as-belief-system in your political discourse.