
White Nationalist-Linked Immigration "Expert" Now Writing for Politico

A Mom Anon8/09/2013 11:17:37 am PDT

Ahh so Tiger Beat on the Potomac is now got that minty fresh taste of racism too. Yay.

God I hate this crap. You know, there are people out there, good writers, just struggling to get by who would love that job and the salary it pays. People with some ethics, who actually understand what it means to accurately report what’s happening in our government. I know, I know, it’s fucking Politico, but JHC, does every fucking outlet for “news and opinion” have to fucking suck?

I hate when the bad guys win and they seem to keep on winning and winning and taking and taking. No consequences, while good people who work hard are being left behind and shit all over. Gah! Pisses me off.