
It Begins: The Destruction of Syria's Chemical Weapons

jaunte10/07/2013 8:31:51 pm PDT

Here Come The Truckers
By Charles P. Pierce

I was just saying the other day that the one thing that American politics needs these days is a bunch of nutballs in really big vehicles.

Truckers For The Constitution Plan To Arrest Congressmen

Brother Conlon is quite a piece of work, as the Tea Party Command Center (!) message board makes quite clear.

Reply by Earl Conlon yesterday:i’ve always believed Obama to be the Anti Christ from the day i first laid eyes one him.. not to mention the dreams i have had for the past 15 years showing me a man in office who i’ve never heard of before. then comes 2008 and the dreams get more detailed and intense… you figure it out..maybe i am crazy?

10-4, good buddy.