
CNN Reports #Ferguson PD Officer Darren Wilson DID NOT Have a Fractured Eye Socket

lawhawk8/21/2014 1:32:16 pm PDT

All this back and forth would have been settled days ago, and before days of riots, had the Ferguson PD and St. Louis County PD published the report of the encounter.

Instead, we get nitwits like Hoft poison the conversation with bogus claims about orbital blowout fractures, leaks from the prosecutor’s office (claiming that Wilson was knocked nearly unconscious by Brown), etc., and yet the official statements from the FPD undermine all the leaks.

The best way to deal with these kinds of incidents is to provide open and prompt information. Withholding it only causes more problems - for prosecutors, investigators, and can potentially undermine any prosecutions that might come from cases like this. Maybe that’s what some law enforcement officers want since they want the latitude to be the final word on what happens on a stop, but that’s not justice. That’s a perversion of justice.