
GOP Debate Thread 3: Trump to Hugh Hewitt: "Very Few People Listen to Your Radio Show"

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam2/26/2016 1:47:43 am PST

ICYMI, Matt Taibbi analyzes the success of Donald Trump in manipulating the American political system to his advantage.

How America Made Donald Trump Unstoppable

He’s no ordinary con man. He’s way above average — and the American political system is his easiest mark ever

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I’m not buying into everything Taibbi says, but he’s right about Trump’s willingness to expose his GOP opponents for the spineless wonders they are. He says what no one else is willing to say, and by that he appeals directly to an audience tired of hearing the same old shit from politicians. The fact that Trump has no real policy ideas or long term strategies makes no difference. He just acts like he has all the answers, and the crowds eat it up.

Taibbi is also right about the complicity of the media in letting Trump — and his opponents — get away with lying constantly, and the media’s kneejerk reactions to polls and primaries.

But I’m not sure Trump can pull off winning the general election. His losing will be almost as dangerous as his winning, though.