
Stephen Colbert on Fire: Donald Trump Jr. Is His Own 'Deepthroat'

Blind Frog Belly White7/12/2017 4:02:29 pm PDT

re: #57 JordanRules

I bet they did. They’ve always known more than us. I remember DiFis face after one meeting. I remember Maxine’s face after another meeting.

Obama told McConnell shit was real. They don’t care.

I’ve seen reports the last day or so that say that the email trail was news to Mueller, though, which makes me think Kushner and his attorneys tried to fly this in under the radar as an update/modification to his SF86.

This suggests two things to me. First, that no, nobody knew about the emails. And second, that there’s a lot more stuff than just this, or Mueller wouldn’t need to be staffing up so heavily, even without knowing about this.