
Lucinda Williams at Home: Tiny Desk Concert

ozharas8/02/2020 5:12:53 am PDT

Reality check here - we are going into a State of Disaster, because we were on the end of several weeks of 300-700 daily infections.

6 weeks of a hard lockdown - 8pm to 5am curfew, no leaving the house for more than an hour a day, mandatory masks, only within a 5 km radius of your home, 1 person per household for grocery shopping, online schooling for all students & daycare/kindergartens closed, except for children in vulnerable situations or of essential workers, work from home, all cafes, restaurants closed except for takeaway or delivery, etc.

Every public resource of our State and Federal government fully engaged - aggressive testing, public schools, police, ADF, federal income support etc.

Everyone I know is in all in - we can do this.