
Totten: The Future of Iraq, Part II

JohnnyReb6/01/2009 11:04:01 am PDT

re: #47 kansas

I must disagree. Victory was not allowed then, but as of January 20, 2009 victory is not only allowed, it suddenly happened. Kind of like before, a 1% increase in GDP was bad, now a 5% decrease is good. Seriously, isn’t everything just………better?

I think there is an exceptionally good PhD paper to be had in comparing the abrupt turnaround in the MSM’s reporting on the economy. At a climb to 8% in unemployment is being reported as good news because is it 1% less than anticipated. If that would have happened under Bush you know what the headlines would have been. A decline of 5% in the GDP was hailed as great because it was not the 5.4% as predicted. My most favorite was the “refining” of exactly what constitutes a recession. Last time I looked it was at least 2 quarters of negative growth. It ain’t that anymore. Gee, I wonder why?