
Supreme Court Rules Against Sotomayor, For Saudi Arabia

DisturbedEma6/29/2009 10:19:40 am PDT

re: #49 Lightspeed

The Saudi ruling is as it should be. You can’t have private citizens suing foreign governments. Hell, in most cases, we can’t sue our own government. The government of the United States is the only entity that should be dealing with foreign powers, specifically, the executive branch. We can’t allow any idiot with a chip on his shoulder drag a foreign leaded into court. I feel for the 9/11 victims, but if they want compensation, they should be lobbying our government to pressure the Saudis into giving it to them. Keep the courts out of it.

So the new government health insurance “plot” will mean that should your care be sunstandard, sue…the doctor…who will claim it was red tape and lack of funding…which means you will be possibly permantly damaged AND shit out of luck?