
Not a Good Day for the GOP

winemaker10/20/2009 9:53:46 am PDT


Rasmussen’s daily presidential poll has Obama at -12, more or less where it has been each day for a while.

This ABC/ WAPO poll has Obama at +17.

Charles, that’s a 29-point gap.

If these polls were public companies, the SEC would be knocking on their doors to investigate the obvious fraud by one, or both.

You brand is that of a scientific skeptic…yet you pass along this +17 poll without examining it? (Or Rasmussen, for that matter).

C’mon, 29 points… one (or both) of these is a FauxPoll… or a Burkett TANG memo.

You are supposed to be one of the guys who has the chops to spot these frauds. “If not Charles, then who?”
