
Sunday Night Music: Jimmy Wahlsteen, 'Shifts of Attention'

Sharmuta10/25/2009 6:08:06 pm PDT

Jeb Bush: GOP Must Be More Than The “Old White Guy Party,” “Party Of No”

Bush said he believes the Republican Party needs to cater its message to include everyone in America, and become more than the “old white guy party.”

“You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to realize that in order for a political party to be successful it has to reach out to everyone,” Bush said. “In politics, you never win when you say ‘us and them.’ We need a more welcoming message.”

“I sense that our party is kind of in a nostalgic mode where we look back to the good old days,” Bush said. “However good they were, and there were some good days, is completely irrelevant in 2009.”
He added, “We just can’t be the party of no.”

It’s not the first time either:

In May, he said Republicans need to look to the future and “beyond the heyday of the Reagan era.”

“You can’t beat something with nothing, and the other side has something. I don’t like it, but they have it, and we have to be respectful and mindful of that,” he said at the time.

He seems to get it.