
Tonight's Creationist Message from 'Sarah Palin'

avanti1/07/2010 7:39:54 pm PST

Now skigate:

How can another blog start a thread with a post about the national security adviser not interrupting his skiing vacation for the underwear bomber, than provide a link that contradicts it’s own story ? From their own link.

“The White House is throwing its support behind National Counterterrorism Director Michael Leiter, defending him against a news report that suggested he was vacationing during the attempted bombing of an airliner on Christmas and its aftermath.

Denis McDonough, National Security Council Chief of Staff, said Leiter was at his McLean headquarters on Dec. 25, and only left for a planned family vacation the next day after consulting with the White House and the national intelligence director. He said the travel did not affect in any way Leiter’s ability to remain engaged with all elements of the U.S. government, including national security staff in Hawaii.

Leiter took his son on a six-day vacation to celebrate his 7th birthday and visit his grandparents.”

Typical comment on the tread:

“Seems to me that there will HAVE to be a major terrorist attack against the US for these cocksuckers to wake up and do their fucking JOBS!

When (not if, when) that occurs, I will go on a war of my own against the Muslims. Lone wolf, so to speak. And I won’t be the only one out there.”